Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Mix all of the ingredients in Step A in a bowl big enough for the items to be mixed together loosely. Set aside in a baking dish.
Turn your attention to the ingredients in Step B. In a separate bowl, whisk together all these ingredients except the salt and coconut sugar to make a custard mixture.
Gently pour the custard mixture from Step B over the baking dish ingredients and bake for 30-40 minutes.
Remove the baked oatmeal and top with the sugar and broil on high for 2 minutes or with a crepe brûlée torch.
Finish with a sprinkle of Morton® Coarse Himalayan Pink Salt!
Tips to Erase Food Waste:
When preparing this dish, you can be creative and add additional fruit if you have some “aging” in your fridge or on your counter. I love using older more mature, almost black bananas in this recipe as they are sweeter and will add to the custard like texture!