About Boot the boot
Morton Salt and the Truckee Humane Society partnered up to not only bring awareness and protect your dogs’ paws with Morton® Safe-T-Salt on slippery, snowy sidewalks, but to also help give dogs new homes. Safer Ice Melt for Happy Paws! Morton® Safe-T-Pet is the vet-preferred ice melt for happy paws. Less irritation, more winter fun.
Not all ice melts are created equal. Try Morton® Safe T Pet®, the only ice melt developed with and recommended by veterinarians so your dog can frolic free. It’s time to #BootTheBoot.
Our Cast Bios
George: is a Goldendoodle, originally adopted in Idaho. A year and a half old, he’s an energetic, fun-loving pup who is a highly affectionate companion. This big teddy-bear looking pup is loving Tahoe and learning how to swim.
Spartacus: is a one and a half year old border collie. He loves commands and can learn pretty much any trick. He’s not only super obedient, but also is a trained search and rescue dog who volunteers with his owner up in the California mountains.
Blue: is an obedient Husky adopted from the Humane Society in Truckee. His owner was a volunteer there and fell in love. In addition to appearing in Boot The Boot, Blue has also been featured in the Humane Society Truckee Tahoe Calendar.
Ruger: was adopted from the Truckee Humane Society, and is a mutt with a bit of Jack Russell. One of Ruger’s favorite games is ‘Disc Golf’ – and any time you say it, you’ll get an adorable head tilt and a wagging tail
Stormy: was a ‘failed foster’ from the Humane Society Truckee Tahoe – he went into a foster home and never made it back because his family adopted him! He loves swimming, ball, and hiking to new places – if there’s water, even better!
Baxter: is a short-haired Brussels Grifon who lives for belly rubs, treats and squeaker toys. This little guy will dance on his hind legs like a Meer cat for a good treat, or if he wants to be picked up and carried around.
Marni: the Newfoundland originally hails from Napa, California. This big pup loves to watch Animal themed TV shows and movies, her favorite being Beethovan.
Norman: found his forever home in February 2016, after a stay at the Humane Society Truckee Tahoe. Norman is a self-entertainer who ends up delighting everyone when he plays catch with himself. He also has very cat like qualities, such as stalking other dogs while playing, and loves stealing the cats cat nip toys after being raised by the house cat.
Bogart: (AKA Bogie), is one of three male pups mothered by the late Bianca, who was part of family for over 12 years and had only the one litter. His brothers Sette and Bohdi also reside in N. Tahoe. He loves to mountain bike, play on the beach and swim in high mountain lakes. People often say “he is the best dog”. We agree.
Molly: is a Southern California gal, but has found her home in Truckee to be one of the best things ever. She’s a lover of water in all forms, which is apparent when she frolics in the snow or swims in the lake. After tiring herself out with her athletic endeavors, she enjoys long naps.
Wally: this little guy is a Corgie who thinks he’s a very large dog despite his small stature. He originally hails from Truckee, and loves to take his short little legs on long hikes.
Frankie: is an 8-month-old Pittie who loves playing with brother and sister Wally and Molly. His greatest enemy is a squeaker inside a toy, and he’ll do anything to get at it.
Hula: is a princess French Bulldog who had a pretty sickly start. Since puppyhood she’s been brought up to perfect health and resides in a home with a Lab brother. She gets her name from shaking her whole behind like a Hula dancer when she’s excited or happy.